QP - Pallet Integrity
Before shipping, the pallet is checked in terms of its volume, weight and external integrity. Ask for more information

- COMMUNICATION METHOD: TCP/IP, Ethernet/IP, Profinet, Modbus, OPC UA
Before shipping, the pallet is checked in terms of its volume, weight and external integrity, with the data recorded and used to make the shipping process more efficient.
The system is MID 170_B_1 certified
Harmonized standards/OIML reference documents:
OIML R 129 “Multi-dimensional measuring instruments” -2000
Welmec 7.2: “Software Guide” -2018
Welmec CT-009-IV: “Multidimensional Measuring Instruments - OIML R129 2000-2004/22/EC MI-009 IV” - 2006